1. 談判的定義
It is a process of bargaining, which entails two or more interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals and engage in the social interaction to reach a mutually satisfactory outcome.
2. 談判的目標-利益(interest)與立場(position)
3. 零和遊戲(zero-sum game)與雙贏(win-win)
4. 談判者與調停者的建構
5. 談判修辭(negotiation rhetoric)
6. 談判技巧(negotiation skills—strategy and tactic)
1. 準備階段 (Preparing)
A good result of a negotiation can be seen as involving seven elements. The better we handle each element, the better the outcome will be:
1) 利益 (Interests)
Whatever our demand or “position” may be, we and others involved in the negotiation would like an outcome that meets our underlying interests—the things we need or care about.