1.There are regular - preferably monthly - Gate Meetings at which all strategic decisions on company projects are made.
2. The Gate Meeting is chaired by the Chairman/MD (or by exception other Board Director) and all relevant Board Directors/functional heads are in attendance.
3.There is a formal process for monitoring risk.
4.Original innovation projects which involve substantive capital and/or market place investments must bring Simulated Test Market evidence to Launch Gate.
5.INOPLAN to be installed in all Unilever Companies.
6.All projects to be entered into INOPLAN and managed via INOPLAN.
7.New for 2000: Innovation Rate-using the Unilever IPM definitions is being applied & reported quarterly (see theUnilever IPM-Innovation Rate Manual)
8.New for 2000: The key learnings from ALL projects (whether successful or not) are being documented and PLE (within 12 months of launch date) are being completed for all projects that are taken to market.